Trade Resources Company News Ford's Indian Subsidiary Has Sold About 10,899 Vehicles in December 2012

Ford's Indian Subsidiary Has Sold About 10,899 Vehicles in December 2012

US based automaker Ford's Indian subsidiary has sold about 10,899 vehicles including wholesale and export units in December 2012.

Ford India reported sales of 6,517 vehicles, a 9% increase compared to the 5,978 units sold in the consecutive month of 2011.

During the month, exports reached 4,382 units, which is double the number of vehicles exported in December 2011, while the year to date exports increased by 35% to 30,435 units over 2011.

Ford India president and managing director Joginder Singh said: "It is great to see that we are closing the year on a positive note with strong growth momentum."

The firm has also increased its number of outlets to 250 over 200 during December 2011.

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Ford December Sales Reach 10, 899 Vehicles in India