The Reusable Pack-ag-ing Asso-ci-a-tion (RPA) is seek-ing input from sup-ply chain pro-fes-sion-als to help mold its new vir-tual reusable pack-ag-ing forum, called Con-nected Com-mu-nity. When launched, the com-mu-nity will pro-vide a forum for shar-ing new ideas and prac-ti-cal real world solu-tions for imple-ment-ing and max-i-miz-ing reusable trans-port pack-ag-ing sys-tems into the sup-ply chain. The goal of the com-mu-nity is to vir-tu-ally and effort-lessly con-nect peo-ple look-ing to either source or sell a reusable pack-ag-ing prod-uct or ser-vice, and pro-pel the adop-tion of reusable pack-ag-ing solu-tions as a pre-ferred solu-tion for trans-port-ing prod-ucts in a B-to-B sup-ply chain.
The first step in cre-at-ing the com-mu-nity was launched today with a sur-vey mailed to pro-fes-sion-als in the reusable pack-ag-ing and sup-ply chain industries.
“The find-ings from the sur-vey will shape the foun-da-tion of the online com-mu-nity so we are seek-ing input from a broad base of sup-ply chain pro-fes-sion-als,” said Jerry Wel-come, RPA Pres-i-dent. “Indus-try input and direc-tion will be crit-i-cal to build-ing a suc-cess-ful and use-ful online com-mu-nity for the reusable industry.”