Trade Resources Company News Metabolon Has Signed a Multi-Year Research Alliance with Takeda

Metabolon Has Signed a Multi-Year Research Alliance with Takeda

Metabolon has signed a multi-year research alliance with Japan based Takeda to develop new therapeutic targets and biomarkers. 

Under the collaboration, Metabolon will apply its platform to discover and validate targets, and identify novel pharmacodynamic biomarkers for translation into the clinic.

Metabolon has developed a proprietary analytical platform and software using metabolomics for biomarker discovery by measuring all of the biochemicals in a biological sample via its proprietary global processing method.

Through the generation and interpretation of data, the method allows a precise understanding of disease etiology and drug action, and advances personalized medicine, the company said.

Metabolon CEO John Ryals said the company believes that integrating metabolomic profiling into Takeda's R&D programs may lead to novel therapies and informed decisions.




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Takeda, Metabolon Enter Into Drug Discovery Alliance