Trade Resources Company News Vincent Gielen Introduces on-The-Go Beverage Heater

Vincent Gielen Introduces on-The-Go Beverage Heater

Vincent Gielen has introduced an on-the-go beverage heater that works with the push of a button.

The Press self-heating cup works by the activation of calcium oxide thermodynamic core. By pressing the button, a small hole in activator and water within the activator mixes with the calcium oxide, producing heat in the process.

The reaction heats the surrounding water and the selected ingredients like coffee or tea. The user shakes the cup and a hot beverage will be ready after three minutes.

The cup has also been designed to house pre-packaged ingredients. Pressing the button on the lid will drop the ingredients into the water below and will heat up.

A variety of ingredients such as coffee, tea, hot cocoa, soup and also baby formula can be added.

According to Gielen, the product PRESS could be sold in vending machines, convenience stores, sporting events, outdoor shops, supermarkets and even colleges.

The possibilities with PRESS are limitless and it removes the need to go to the kitchen or coffee shop to enjoy a hot beverage. A hot beverage can be enjoyed at the convenience of the user.

Gielen said: "PRESS has a heating element with several safety features to prevent pressure buildup and to ensure separation of heating products and contents.

The designer has taken the concept to Kickstarter in the hopes of raising funds for mold production and certification fees.

"Its innovative design is thermodynamically superior to any of the self-heating products currently on the market, and therefore has an optimal yield versus packaging ratio."

PRESS website noted that if you are a daily commuter stuck in traffic with a vicious coffee craving, a student battling classroom fatigue, or an astronaut after a tiring spacewalk, PRESS is here to help."

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