Trade Resources Company News Xilinx Is to Invest $ 50m in Ireland

Xilinx Is to Invest $ 50m in Ireland

Xilinx is to invest $ 50m in Ireland,expanding its facilities in Dublin and Cork and adding 60 people to the headcount.

"We must not only seek to attract more investment and jobs from top multinational companies,"says the Irish minister for jobs,enterprise and innovation,Richard Bruton,"we must also strive to ensure that more of them are carrying out strategic,high-value activities here based on research and development."

45 senior silicon and electronics engineering staff are to be added to Xilinx's regional headquarters in Dublin and for its engineering centre in Cork,and another 15 people across a broad range of disciplines,will also be taken on.

"It's symbolic of our steadfast commitment to pioneering'all programmable'technology innovation–far beyond our programmable logic roots–aimed at increasing customer value and expanding our reach to a broad base of design engineers and system architects,"says Xilinx's European boss Kevin Cooney.

Xilinx first set up in Ireland in 1995.

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Xilinx to Invest $50m in Ireland