Trade Resources Company News Vale Said Tuesday That It Will Complete Its First Iron Ore Shipment

Vale Said Tuesday That It Will Complete Its First Iron Ore Shipment

Vale said Tuesday that it will complete its first iron ore shipment to ArcelorMittal using a Valemax vessel to be discharged at the port of Rotterdam. The Berge Jaya, chartered by Vale, is scheduled to berth at Rotterdam's EMO dry bulk terminal this week. This is the second voyage of the vessel, built by Chinese shipyard Bohai, the Valemax ship is the world's largest ore carrier, has a capacity to transport up to 400,000 tons of iron ore and allows for 35 percent less carbon emission per ton of ore transported compared to earlier generation ships.

Vale noted that at the moment, there are 23 Valemax class vessels in operation. By the end of 2013, there will be a total of 35 similar vessels available to transport Vale's iron ore--19 owned by Vale and 16 chartered from international shipowners.

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Vale to Send Valexmax Iron Ore Vessel to Arcelormittal
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