Trade Resources Company News CALCohol Allows Consumers Quickly Calculate How Much Alcohol They Are Consuming

CALCohol Allows Consumers Quickly Calculate How Much Alcohol They Are Consuming

The Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (ABD) has introduced a mobile site – CALCohol - to allow consumers quickly calculate how much alcohol they are consuming.

ABD partnered with Iowa Interactive to design and build the mobile site. The National Alcoholic Beverages Control Association (NABCA) supplied content to develop the product.

Available at, the mobile site calculates standard drink sizes and the number of alcohol servings per container.

Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Commission chairperson Jim Clayton said: "As the marketplace trends to flavored and sweeter products, it becomes more difficult for the consumer to be aware of how much alcohol they are consuming. CALCohol is a tool that will quickly identify the number of standard servings and may show, on some occasions, one drink is more than enough."

With the mobile site, users can calculate servings per container by inputting the alcoholic content and container size.

CALCohol can also calculate a serving size of any alcohol product by simply entering in ABV or proof without a container size.

Iowa Interactive is a service of IOWAccess and is managed by the Department of Administrative Services and the eGovernment firm NIC.

Headquartered in Alexandria, NABCA is the national association representing the Control State Systems that directly control the distribution and sale of beverage alcohol within their borders.

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Iowa Abd Launches Calcohol to Calculate Alcohol Intake