Trade Resources Company News Lindt & SprüNgli Has Reported a 7% Rise in Net Sales for 2012

Lindt & SprüNgli Has Reported a 7% Rise in Net Sales for 2012

Chocolate maker Lindt & Sprüngli has reported a 7% rise in net sales for 2012 and estimated that profit margins widened during the year.

For the 12 months to the end of December, Lindt reported sales of CHF2.67bn (US$2.8bn), representing a 6.8% organic increase on 2011 and a 7.3% increase if currency changes are included. Higher volumes drove sales, said the firm today (15 January).

Against a troubled economic climate, Lindt said it achieved market share gains "in practically every country and category" during the year. In its outlook, the company said it expects operating profits "to advance even more strongly than sales growth" for 2012.

"In Europe, Germany, France and the UK were the fastest-growing subsidiaries," said Lindt. "Among the key European markets, only Italy lagged slightly behind the previous year because of the extremely difficult economic environment."

A key challenge for 2013 will be to increase the firm's foothold in China and Russia, where Lindt established its first offices in 2012, in Beijing and Moscow.

Lindt & Sprüngli’s growth outperforms the chocolate market yet again Consolidated annual sales in Swiss francs: 2.670 billion (+7.3%) Organic growth of 6.8% in local currencies meets the long-term target Continuous market share gains on key markets and emerging markets Positive operating profit outlook (EBIT)

With consolidated annual sales worth CHF 2.670 billion, the Lindt & Sprüngli Group once again achieved growth well ahead of the overall chocolate market, despite the challenging economic environment, and won new market shares in practically every country and category. Organic growth is mainly attributable to substantially higher volumes. Almost all the subsidiary companies made significant contributions to this favorable trend.

In the past financial year, the euro crisis and the accompanying economic background conditions worsened steadily, especially in the countries of southern Europe. The global economic slowdown even reached the dynamic emerging countries – although so far only to a relatively limited extent. With a continuing increase of investments in marketing and point-of-sale activities, together with innovative new product launches, the company’s seasonal and permanent business advanced strongly. LINDT’s leading position as a first-class chocolate products brand and its global premium image were achieved thanks to continuous brand enhancement and the uniform global communication concept of the LINDT Master Chocolatiers which has been in use now for nearly twenty years. Today, LINDT is a household word among consumers for quality, chocolate tradition and Swissness – values which are based on trust enjoyed all over the world.

Thanks to these measures implemented both in the regular retail trade and via its own global retail organization, the company achieved growth of 7.3% in Swiss Francs and 6.8% in local currencies, with Group sales worth CHF 2.670 billion. Accompanied by corresponding market share gains, this growth was well above that of the overall chocolate markets. By comparison with the previous year’s average figure, the value of the euro against the Swiss franc eased slightly. On the other hand, the US dollar and pound sterling made small gains.

Progress on the main markets proved highly satisfactory. In Europe, Germany, France and the U.K. were the fastest- growing subsidiaries. Among the key European markets, only Italy lagged slightly behind the previous year because of the extremely difficult economic environment. The Swiss subsidiary company reported even stronger growth than in the previous year on the highly competitive domestic market; a further increase in its market shares for tablets and pralinés was achieved in the past twelve months. Business in North America showed above-average development again with double digit organic growth. Progress in Australia and on the Asian emerging markets was equally pleasing. Familiarity with the LINDT brand is gradually being established and enhanced in these countries through an increasingly broad presence in selected retail trade channels and also in the duty free sector.

As part of the geographical expansion, new subsidiary companies were set up in the year under review in Shanghai (China) and Moscow (Russia), with a view to consolidating the LINDT brand permanently on these promising markets, firstly through a stronger presence in conventional urban sales channels and secondly through the activities of LINDT’s global retail organization.

Outlook: Operating profit (EBIT)

The Group expects its operating profit to advance even more strongly than sales growth. The operating margin increase will therefore reach the upper end of the 20 to 40 basis point range announced previously.

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Lindt FY Sales up, Confident on Profits