Trade Resources Company News AAMI Has Launched The New AAMI Claim Assist APP

AAMI Has Launched The New AAMI Claim Assist APP

AAMI, the leading national car insurer, has made making an insurance claim even quicker and easier with the launch of the new AAMI Claim Assist app. 

The AAMI Claim Assist app lets AAMI car insurance customers collect the information needed from the scene of the accident, and then send it directly to AAMI. 
Reuben Aitchison, AAMI spokesperson, said that the app is designed to ease the stress of one of life's tough moments.
"Getting in to a car crash is, hopefully, a rare event for most of us. The Claim Assist app helps people capture what happened at the scene of the accident, and collect all the information they may not know they need."
Once the details of an accident have been sent via the app, AAMI will contact its customer with their claim number, details for repair and the option to register for the new My Claim Manager section of the AAMI website where customers can track the progress of their claim in real time.
Key features of the AAMI Claim Assist iPhone app include:
- Step-by-step list of details to be gathered at the accident scene
- Supports all accident types (single and multi-vehicle accidents, storm damage, theft and windscreen damage)
- GPS look up automatically records accident time and exact location
- Camera integration to capture and attach photos of damage and accident location 
- Privacy protection - all information is sent to AAMI securely
The AAMI Claim Assist App is now available for free download from the App Store. The Android version of the app is due for release later this year.
At AAMI, we know that you want to be sure your car is properly protected by the insurance policy you purchase. AAMI is a leading provider of comprehensive car insurance with benefits such as lifetime repair guarantee; lifetime rating one and valet service. Insurance issued by Australian Associated Motor Insurers Ltd (AAMI). Refer to the Product Disclosure Statement at or call 13 22 44. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. 
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Car Insurance Claims in The Palm of Your Hand with Aami Claim App