Trade Resources Company News Essar Steel Algoma Has Just Reported a Loss for Q4 Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013

Essar Steel Algoma Has Just Reported a Loss for Q4 Quarter of Fiscal Year 2013

The steelmaker Essar Steel Algoma has just reported a US$92.7-million loss for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2013, which is much bigger than US$18 million loss for the fourth quarter of a year ag. In the report, the steelmaker's quarter sales reached US$447.7 million and shipment reached 638,652 tons, down by 1.5% year-on-year. Essar said the loss was primarily a result of lower volumes and selling prices as well as higher cost and un-recognized tax.

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Essar Steel Algoma Posts US$9.2 Million Loss for Q4
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