Trade Resources Company News Achates Power Receives Funding to Develop Efficient Internal Combustion Engine

Achates Power Receives Funding to Develop Efficient Internal Combustion Engine

US based internal combustion engine maker Achates Power has received $9m in funding from the US Department of Energy's Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) to develop an opposed-piston, gasoline compression ignition (OPGCI) engine.

Achates Power Receives Funding to Develop Efficient Internal Combustion Engine

The new OPGCI engine is expected to reducing the overall cost of the powertrain system, and when compared to a downsized, turbo-charged direct injection gasoline engine.

The new OPGCI claimed to be up to 50% fuel efficient and will reduce the cost of the powertrain system.

Argonne National Laboratory and Delphi Automotive are also a part of the three year project and plan to spend $13m on the program, including cost share.

As per the project, Achates will deliver a three-cylinder, three liter opposed-piston, gasoline compression ignition engine that can be fitted in large passenger vehicles, pick-up trucks, SUVs and minivans.

Achates' engine architecture will also allow the company to adopt the technology for twoand four-cylinder engines that can be deployed in small SUVs, CUVs, and heavy-duty pick-up market.

Achates Power CEO David Johnson said: "Argonne and Delphi have already shown on conventional four-stroke engines that the potential of gasoline compression ignition (GCI) is significant - GCI provides diesel-like efficiencies, in a gasoline engine, without typical diesel engine and after treatment cost penalties.

"Our opposed-piston engines have demonstrated superior efficiency and cleanliness when operating on diesel fuel. Combining our opposed-piston engine with GCI technologies will forever change the internal combustion engine market."

Image: Achates Power Gasoline Compression Ignition Opposed-Piston Engine. Photo: courtesy of PR Newswire.

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