Trade Resources Culture & Life The Keynote for Funeral and Memorial Service Is Spiritual Eternity and Continuation

The Keynote for Funeral and Memorial Service Is Spiritual Eternity and Continuation

Social Context of Folk Arts - Funerals and Memorial Services

The keynote for funeral and memorial service is spiritual eternity and continuation of life after death. This is also the main theme of Chinese folk art works on the subject. Death at old age is a normal course of life referred to as "passing away" or "return to heaven", which means back to mother's body of the universe. Wedding and funeral are "red and white happy events" in Chinese culture.

By social customs, steamed bread for funeral and memorial service is the "old bread." It is the same dome shaped universe as the one for birth, but without the red bean inside. The elimination of the multiplication symbol reflects the philosophical comprehension that life comes from die universe through birth, and goes back through death.

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Wonton gift bread "Supreme worship goodies" for funeral and memorial services (Luochuan, Shaanxi).

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Double rooster pillow for the deceased person at funeral services (Qianyang, Shaanxi).

Funeral "wonton" bread is a three-layer round cake with a circle of red jujubes on each layer. It is the same shape and size as the Chinese New Year bread except that a cypress twig is placed on the top to symbolize eternity for the dead.

Embroidery works for funeral service include a pillow with a "Rooster to call for the spirit" or the "old pillow" which has a girl and a boy on each side, and a pair of "old shoes" which has embroidery "Lotus flower," metaphorical of water and earth. Old pillow and old shoes are likened to heaven and earth. When the spirit of the dead connects to heaven and earth, it reaches eternity.

Origami for funeral service is a full series by itself in folk paper-cut. People cut or fold all kinds of imaginary personal articles with paper for the person who passed away to use in another world to be incriminated with the body. Each article had a special symbolic feature. In Yunnan, memorial service of Dai ethnic group had a 9-meter high "Ladder to heaven" hanging to the column inside the temple so the spirit of the dead could rise to heaven. The ladder was decorated with embroidery symbols of sky reaching tower, legendary animals and the tree of life.

Modem funeral and memorial service have changed the old custom in many ways. Origami and other imitation articles are no longer used. Wreath is used for sacrificial burials, which is seen as sun flower; and instead of making paper posts, people now use ever green cypress twig to symbolize the tree of life. It is a different art form, but the same cultural implication.


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Social Context of Folk Arts - Funerals and Memorial Services