Trade Resources Culture & Life Individuals Still Have The Opportunity to Learn New Skills and Earn Money Through Internet

Individuals Still Have The Opportunity to Learn New Skills and Earn Money Through Internet

According to a recent Forbes article, "The rough total number of unemployed or underemployed people right now is 23.1 million. That includes discouraged job seekers, those actively looking for work and the eight million people who are working part-time but wish they had full-time jobs." While the problem seems to be widespread, many employers are not as willing to overlook long-term unemployment when making hiring decisions. The article reveals "that people who have criminal records but are holding down a job have an easier time impressing hiring managers than do people who have been out of work for two years or more," according to a recent survey, conducted by Bullhorn, a recruiting software company. In response,, an affiliate marketing resource explains that while unemployment may be rampant in the country, individuals still have the opportunity to learn new skills and earn money through the Internet. highlights opportunities for individuals looking to earn additional income through affiliate marketing--a practice that involves marketing products from other retailers to online consumers. The company remains dedicated to educating users so that they can become successful within the practice and work at their own convenience. In a recent press statement, comments, "Affiliate marketing is a great option for the unemployed. It not only allows them to bring in additional income, but it also allows them to work on their own schedule while pursuing other career opportunities or continuing education. In addition, affiliate marketing can add additional skills to one's resumes that many employers may be attracted to."
While the unemployment rate is sobering for some, the article states, "The Bullhorn study suggests it's far better to take a part-time job than to do no work at all." notes that affiliate marketing could be the flexible part-time work that could help individual's get out of a period of long-term unemployment. The article backs up this mentality by noting that many unemployed individuals become so discouraged that they fail to continue looking for a job, resulting in even longer unemployment periods. 
In response, concludes in its press statement, "Although the work is from home, and offers a lot of freedom to the individual, affiliate marketing can motivate people to succeed and continue to strive for employment."
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Myadminspace. Com Offers Earning Opportunities for The Long-Term Unemployed