Trade Resources Culture & Life Eight Auspicious Symbols Are a Group of Choicest in Tibetan

Eight Auspicious Symbols Are a Group of Choicest in Tibetan

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Eight Auspicious Symbols

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The Eight Auspicious Symbols, or "Zha Xi Da Jie" in Tibetan, are a group of choicest combined paintings that are most common in Tibetan paintings and are imbued with profound connotations. The symbols appear mostly on murals, and are sometimes made into sculptures and other solid figures. Because it is a unique Buddhism artwork, so it is also called Eight Buddhism Symbols. The Eight Auspicious Symbols are Parasol, goldfishes, Treasure Vase, Lotus, Dharma Wheel, Endless Knot and Conch Shell. They are closely associated with Buddha and Buddhism. It is very common to find them on daily necessities, costumes and jewelry of Tibetan people.

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Eight Auspicious Symbols