Trade Resources Culture & Life That The Spring Man Talks About Spring Is a Folk Art of Talking and Singing

That The Spring Man Talks About Spring Is a Folk Art of Talking and Singing

Talking About Spring When It Comes (The Spring Man)

Talking About Spring When It Comes (The Spring Man)_1

That the spring man talks about spring is a folk art of talking and singing. In winter and spring, the spring man will drop by from door to door, and usually perform all by himself. Sometimes, when the spring man goes to a block or a densely-populated village, there will be antiphonal singing in which two performers will sing to each other, sing one after another and sing together. Such interactive performance is even more interesting. After the performance at one household, the spring man will give the host a spring scroll and then receive a present in return, which is either food or money. Without a music book, the performance which integrates singing and talking is not restricted by space. The performance covers a wide range of subjects. The script is usually passed down from the master to the apprentice. Furthermore, there is often impromptu performance, in which different lines are composed for different people. This is known as "a specific song for a specific mountain."

The performance of the spring man talking about spring originated in the royal family during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. In ancient times, the development of agricultural production played an essential role in stabilizing and prospering a country. Moreover, it was under the instruction of the farming seasons that the farmers did their work. The spring man could send the spring scroll containing the farming seasons to every household. As a result, the government attached much importance to the performance of the spring man.

With a bag on the shoulder, the spring man pulls a spring ox with one hand and holds a black wooden stick in the other hand. When he arrives at one household, he will first erect the stick by the outside of the principal room. It can neither be left around nor reversed. Usually the spring man will start talking and singing immediately he enters the room. At first, the performer will say some auspicious words, wishing the family good luck. Afterwards, he will turn to the major subjects which vary with different people and events. For instance, the spring man might talk about varied professions, weddings, and funerals. There are different lines for different circumstances, all intending to make the audience happy. The final part of the performance is to say thanks and goodbye to the host while giving him the spring scroll. At that time, the host will give a present in return to acknowledge the performance. Some people will give the spring man a container filled with grain which will then be put in the bag. Some will give him five jiao or one yuan. In some places, it is customary to wrap the spring ox with some linen threads, indicating that misfortune will be taken away from the family and security left behind. The spring man can enter the principal room of every household, but he is not allowed to walk past the ridge purlin or enter the internal chamber. Otherwise, not only will the host embarrass him, but he will also receive no present in return.

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Talking About Spring When It Comes (The Spring Man)