Trade Resources Economy CSC Raises Its List Prices for Electric Furnace (EF) Al-Killed Wire Rods for February

CSC Raises Its List Prices for Electric Furnace (EF) Al-Killed Wire Rods for February

China Steel Corp. (CSC), the largest carbon steelmaker in China announced to hike its list prices for electric furnace (EF) Al-killed wire rods by NT$500/ton to NT$21,700/ton for February.

Meanwhile, the actual selling prices are at NT$20,700~NT$21,200/ton.

After the price rise, the price gap between CSC’s blast furnace (BF) Al-killed wire rods and EF Al-killed wire rods has narrowed to NT$700/ton.

It’s learned that CSC’s list prices for EF Al-killed wire rod had ever surged to NT$27,000/ton in the middle of 2012. However, the prices dropped continuously after hitting the history high of NT$27,000/ton.

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Taiwanese CSC Hikes EF Al Killed Wire Rod Prices for February
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