The brand devised incorporates the whimsical hand-drawn 'Earthbaby' character and other illustrational elements, and the strapline "Totally pure, totly tasty". The products go onto the market this month.
Create-a-Brand?creative director Archie Powell said: "Our track record of helping small businesses grow into much larger and even national brands shows that you do not have to go to the city, or even be a big company, to get world-class strategic branding. We believe that Earthbaby Foods, an outstanding product with an outstanding brand, can achieve similar success to other clients of ours."
Create-a-Brand was approached by company owner Laura Faulkner in autumn 2012. The agency has also worked with Greek olive oil brand Olio Reddo and Nobby's Beer, which has been rolled out in 150 Co-ops in the Midlands.