Trade Resources Economy The Unemployment Rate of The 34 Organisation Decreased to Eight Percent

The Unemployment Rate of The 34 Organisation Decreased to Eight Percent

In March this year, the unemployment rate of the 34 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries decreased to eight percent, compared to the 8.1 percent recorded in the previous month, according to new figures published by the OECD.

In March, the unemployment rate for the euro area hit a new record high rising 0.1 percentage point to 12.1 percent. In March, the unemployment rate in the US decreased by 0.1 percentage points month on month to 7.6 percent, while it rose 0.2 points to 7.2 percent in Canada. In March, the unemployment rate in Japan rose by 0.2 percentage points month on month to 4.1 percent.

The OECD said that more recent data referring to the month of April show that the unemployment rate continued to fall in the United States by 0.1 percentage points to 7.5 percent, while it was stable in Canada.

Meanwhile, according to the statistics released today by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), in February this year the unemployment rate in Turkey rose 0.1 percentage points year on year to 10.5 percent.

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Unemployment Rate Down Slightly in OECD Countries in Mar
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