Trade Resources Economy a New Mine Will Be Built in Tasmania's Tarkine Wilderness

a New Mine Will Be Built in Tasmania's Tarkine Wilderness

It is reported that a new mine will be built in Tasmania's Tarkine wilderness,after Mr Tony Burke federal Environment minister gave final approval for Shree Minerals to go ahead with its Nelson Bay iron ore project.

Despite a long fight against the project from environmental opponents,Mr Burke approved the project with 29 conditions that will govern its operation.

The area is particularly important for Tasmanian Devils,as parts of the North West are believed to house the only Devils that are not suffering from facial tumors.

One of the conditions set by Mr Burke specifically related to the protection of Devils.

Shree Minerals have not been the only company looking to mine in the Tarkine with Venture Minerals also investigating mine options in the region over the past year.

Community sentiment in North Western Tasmania has been split over the debate,with high levels of unemployment in the region meaning many locals are happy to see it proceed,while an equally large environmental movement in the state has been opposed to the developments.

Mr Sanjay Loyalka chairman of Shree Minerals said that the company was keen to operate in an environmentally responsible manner and wanted to create job opportunities so that young Tasmanians did not have to leave the state in search of work.

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Tasmaniatarkine Divided Over New Mine Approval
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