Trade Resources Industry Trends China Iron & Steel Strand Wire Export Analysis

China Iron & Steel Strand Wire Export Analysis

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Distribution of China Iron & Steel Strand Wire, Ropes, Cables Export Enterprises

No. Region Export Value Y-o-Y
Volume(kg) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 Jiangsu  342,782,076 524,442,032 7.20% -2.70%
2 Shandong  107,421,541 147,660,476 23.60% 13%
3 Tianjin  214,882,774 140,378,012 20.50% -0.70%
4 Liaoning  59,835,714 113,368,667 0.20% -10.10%
5 Zhejiang  34,813,764 66,945,175 6.50% 0.70%
6 Guangdong  20,709,373 44,345,851 -3.50% -15.50%
7 Shanghai  19,445,092 40,968,690 12.10% 7%
8 Hebei  20,833,746 18,525,490 38.20% 9.90%
9 Henan  10,495,583 12,570,662 -29.50% -28.70%
10 Anhui  16,259,469 12,472,420 11.90% -2.90%

From January to October, Jiangsu province, Shandong province and Tianjin province were major regions where China’s Iron & steel strand wire, ropes, cables export enterprise located. The three regions’ total export value accounted for about 70% of China’s Iron & steel strand wire, ropes, cables export, among of which, Jiangsu accounted for 44.1%.

Distributions of Major Countries/Regions for China’s Iron & Steel Strand Wire, Ropes, Cables Export

No. Country/Region Export Value Y-o-Y
Volume(kg) Value(USD) Volume Value
1 America 75,309,205 135,025,411 0% -6.20%
2 Korea 95,743,829 129,740,311 11.80% 2%
3 India 42,209,671 75,627,478 7.70% -0.70%
4 Japan 45,389,796 70,630,939 -12.50% -21.30%
5 Vietnam 64,158,870 58,272,417 37.40% 21%
6 Thailand 36,743,064 58,195,945 26.40% 21.70%
7 Turkey 18,021,513 39,495,474 66.90% 65.30%
8 Canada 32,317,386 38,747,873 -2.30% -16.70%
9 Brazil 24,727,513 30,137,622 -29.20% -33.20%
10 Malaysia 34,434,873 28,823,698 -4.90% -23%

China Iron & Steel Strand Wire, Ropes, Cables Export Analysis

From January to October in 2015, America, Korea, India, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, Turkey Canada, Brazil, Malaysia were major countries for China’s iron & steel strand wire, ropes, cables export. America and Korea were the largest export markets for China during this period.

Major Countries/Regions in Need of Iron & Steel Strand Wire, Ropes, Cables

Importing Country/Region Import Value
2012 2013 2014
America 922,847,000 934,302,000 934,615,000
Germany 422,097,000 442,371,000 444,668,000
China 325,727,000 314,802,000 341,798,000
Korea 256,273,000 244,860,000 252,049,000
Canada 248,084,000 240,812,000 244,791,000

Unit: USD
Major Iron & steel strand wire, ropes, cables importing countries in 2014 were America, Germany, China, Korea and Canada. As the largest importing country, America’s import value was USD 935 million in 2014.

Major Iron & Steel Strand Wire, Ropes, Cables exporting countries/regions

Exporting Country/Region Export Value
2012 2013 2014
China 1,366,577,000 1,300,092,000 1,475,649,000
Korea 673,399,000 670,335,000 734,259,000
Germany 470,149,000 456,977,000 456,862,000
America 325,738,000 336,807,000 368,898,000
Italy 330,207,000 317,786,000 300,615,000

Unit: USD

From 2012 to 2014, major iron & steel strand wire, ropes, cables exporting countries included China, Korea, Germany, America and Italy. As the largest exporting country, China’s Iron & steel strand wire, ropes, cables export value was USD 1476 million.

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China Iron & Steel Strand Wire, Ropes, Cables Export Analysis
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