Trade Resources Industry Trends White Cloud Ecig Tobacco Flavors Helps to Ease a Smoker's Transition to Safer Alternative

White Cloud Ecig Tobacco Flavors Helps to Ease a Smoker's Transition to Safer Alternative

Vaping beginners are said to favor tobacco flavored electronic cigarettes because they want something that tastes like the tobacco cigarettes they used to smoke. Thus, it is only common to find ecig companies offering at least one tobacco flavor just like White Cloud Ecig Tobacco Flavors.

Attachment To Tobacco

Quitting smoking is such a taxing endeavor for many smokers and this is partly due to the affection smokers have developed toward the taste of tobacco. Thus, tobacco flavored ecigarettes like White Cloud Ecig Tobacco Flavors are very helpful in helping ease a smoker’s transition to a much safer alternative.

Cigarettes differ in terms of strength and flavor so ecigarettes are also offered in different tobacco variants and nicotine strengths. At White Cloud and other ecig companies, consumers could find several tobacco flavors from which they could choose one that closely matches the taste of their preferred cigarette brand.

White Clod Regular Tobacco

This is like black coffee that is coffee with no frills. The experts who have formulated this tobacco flavor variant were long time former smokers. They made this regular tobacco flavor just like the way they remembered their classic American tobacco cigarette to have tasted.

The user could get the same hearty flavor from every inhalation. Each exhale would be satisfying and smooth. Vaping with regular tobacco is like smoking any of the major brands of classic American flavored cigarettes in the market except there is no smoke that can leave damaging effects to the smoker, bystanders and environment.

This is the flavor recommended for smokers of strong filtered cigarettes wishing to start a journey towards better life with vaping.

White Cloud Apache

The name itself will already be enough to bring forth thought about cowboys who are wild and strong. These thoughts are parallel with what the Apache tobacco flavor is. If Regular Tobacco is too subtle for you, Apache could be your next option.

Apache is the flavor that offers the strong taste of unfiltered tobacco cigarettes. This is the flavor ideal for those who used to love smoking filter less hand rolled cigarettes or the vintage pipe tobacco from Southwest America. This is the perfect flavor choice for those smokers who were willing to pay more for longer burning and top shelf brands that evoke true American tobacco spirit.

White Cloud Bora Bora

If the unfiltered strong tobacco taste of Apache is still not enough to please your palate, Bora Bora should be on your list.

It promises additionally interesting tobacco concoction. Bora Bora is something that you can describe as tropical and exotic because of its tobacco flavor infused with nuts, spices and other tropical island notes. Every inhale tastes so smoothly tobacco, but afterward you will start perceiving the nutty, spicy and tropical hints.

This is a multifaceted and complex tobacco to please your taste buds. Succeeding puffs will definitely make vaping a truly engaging activity. Exotic cigarettes offer Middle Eastern cigarette flavors that exude almost animalistic aroma. Bora Bora, on the other hand, is perfect for the lovers of boxed cigarettes and for those who like flavored tobacco smokes.

White Cloud Atlantic Cut

This is White Cloud’s offer to the fans of deep and intoxicating flue cured cigars, pipe tobaccos and specialty cigarettes. It will also please the occasional sweet flavored hookah smokers.

This us tobacco infused with the sweet notes of caramel, apple and maple and spiked with Canadian rye whiskey. The taste experience delivered by these flavors will let you enjoy the diverse American Northeast flavors. Every puff is certainly exciting and new, but the taste remains true to the pure tobacco essence.

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Several White Cloud Ecig Tobacco Flavors for Beginners