Trade Resources Industry Trends Ukraine Exported Steel Products in March,Rising by 4% From a Month Ago

Ukraine Exported Steel Products in March,Rising by 4% From a Month Ago

According to statistics, Ukraine exported around 2.023 million tons of steel products in March, rising by 4% from a month ago. In March, the country imported 112,300 tons of steel products, up by 3.3% from the previous month. In the first quarter of this year, Ukraine's exports of steel products amounted to 5.88 million tons, increasing by 8.6% year on year. In the given period of time, the country imported 305,100 tons of steel products, slumping by 26.1% in comparison of the figures in the same period of the previous year.

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Ukraine's Exports of Steel Products Increase by 8.6% in Q1