Trade Resources Industry Trends Acimall Work From The Assumption That The Sector Will Keep Turnover Steady on The Level

Acimall Work From The Assumption That The Sector Will Keep Turnover Steady on The Level


The Italian woodworking machinery industry association Acimall is working from the assumption that the sector will keep turnover steady on the level reached in 2011 this year,mainly due to strong demand from Russia,Brazil and China.On the other hand,machinery sales on the Italian domestic market,especially to craftsmen,are showing sharp decline.In this segment the weak domestic business cannot be offset by exports.In the first quarter of 2012 Italian machinery producers booked an overall fall in incoming orders by 4.6%,according to Acimall's internal statistics,with domestic orders plunging 24.8%and orders from abroad rising by 4.3%.Order backlogs equalled 2.3 months of production at the time of the survey and prices were raised by an average of 0.3%since the beginning of this year.


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