Trade Resources Industry Views The Study of The Psychological and Physiological Effects of Lighting Has Been Progressing

The Study of The Psychological and Physiological Effects of Lighting Has Been Progressing

Have you ever wondered how lighting effects one’s behavior? Can those bright fluorescent tubes in your kitchen, in stores and even at work effect the way that you feel? The study of the psychological and physiological effects of lighting has been progressing since the time of John Flynn (Penn State Professor) in the 1970’s and beyond.

Philips Lighting: The Psychological Effects of Lighting

Source YouTube

This detailed video put out presented by Professor Craig Bernecker explains how lighting may effect our everyday senses and emotions. This will be a helpful component in designing or redesigning your office or home lighting. After watching the video explore how you feel the next time you are in a brightly lit versus dim environment.

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Philips Lighting: The Psychological Effects of Lighting
Topics: Lighting