Trade Resources Industry Views Firmer Trends Are Showed by Bremen Cotton Market

Firmer Trends Are Showed by Bremen Cotton Market

The merchants reported on numerous enquiries in the medium as well as long and extra-long staple range during last week, especially for the 1st and 2nd quarter 2013. While some enquiries only seemed to serve for price orientation, several interesting contracts were closed.

Long-term contracts, however, have still been rather an exception. Prices showed a firmer and slightly rising tendency during the reported week.

The following contracts were closed:

-In the medium staple range: Greek and Spanish cotton were sold for prompt delivery. Contracts were closed for US E.M.O.T., Greek and Indian cotton for the 1st quarter and West African descriptions for the 1st and 2nd quarter 2013. Furthermore Central Asian cotton was ordered for the 2nd and 3rd quarter 2013.

-Long- and extra-long staple cotton: Giza 86 was traded for prompt delivery, US Pima for prompt as well as the 1st quarter 2013.

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Bremen Cotton Market Shows Firmer Trends