Trade Resources Industry Views Prices for Various Types of Chinese Raw and Film-Faced Plywood Have Fallen Slightly

Prices for Various Types of Chinese Raw and Film-Faced Plywood Have Fallen Slightly

As a result of the decline in freight rates since April, prices for various types of Chinese raw and film-faced plywood have also fallen slightly in recent weeks. Compared to the price level prevailing in June and July, the price range on c+f basis has widened downwards by an average of US$5 to US$10/m³. However, because of the weakening of the euro against the US dollar, which has continued up until the beginning or middle of August, largely stable prices can be assumed in terms of euros. Only in the last weeks of August did the euro make slight gains in value against the US dollar. Source: euwid-wood-products

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Prices for Chinese plywood down slightly
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