Trade Resources Industry Views Mono EZstrip Cake Pumps and 16 of The Company's Compact C Range Progressing Cavity Pumps.

Mono EZstrip Cake Pumps and 16 of The Company's Compact C Range Progressing Cavity Pumps.

When sourcing pumps for a new sludge dewatering process, maintenance engineers at the Odense WWTP in Southern Denmark opted for 8 Mono EZstrip cake pumps and 16 of the company’s Compact C Range progressing cavity (pc) pumps.

NOV Mono Receives Order From Danish Wastewater Treatment Plant

The decision was based on the reduction in maintenance time the pumps offer, together with speed of delivery from Mono. The same advantages also led the plant’s engineers to specify Mono’s EZstrip and Compact C Range pumps for use on new polymer dosing equipment that was being ordered, rather than the competitor pumps which were offered as standard. 

“When we were invited to tender for pumps on the sludge dewatering process, we took an EZstrip demonstration pump to the plant,” explains Product Manager Michael Roug, from AxFlow A/S, Mono’s distributor in Denmark who supplied the pumps. “We explained how the pump could be disassembled, de-ragged and maintained in-situ, all in a fraction of the time that process takes with a normal pc pump. Coupled with the fact that Mono was also very competitive in terms of cost and speed of delivery, this made it an easy decision for the maintenance engineers. The pumps were ordered in a variety of sizes for use on different parts of the dewatering process.

”Mono’s EZstrip technology represents the biggest advance in progressing cavity pump design for 30 years. The EZstrip pumps incorporate all the best aspects of Mono’s thoroughly proven Compact C Range pumps, but can dramatically reduce the time needed to replace a rotor, stator, coupling rod and drive train by up to 95%, cutting the typical day-long maintenance operation down to just 30 minutes. By simply removing a few screws, the suction chamber is easily dismantled, giving access to remove any rag build-up or replace parts, without disconnecting suction and discharge pipework. 

The Compact C progressing cavity pumps are designed specifically to fit into compact spaces, whilst still delivering maximum performance. They offer such features as a good suction lift capability of over 8 metres, positive displacement to aid process control and variable speed performance for accurate dosing applications.

“The plant engineers were sufficiently impressed with the Mono pumps to specify their use on a new polymer dosing line that was being ordered for the plant,” adds Michael Roug. “The manufacturer normally uses pumps from another supplier for this type of equipment, but these were changed to the Mono pumps, again on the basis of the many advantages they offered. This resulted in a further order for two additional EZstrip pumps and two Compact C pumps.”

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NOV Mono Receives Order From Danish Wastewater Treatment Plant
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