Trade Resources Industry Views The Global Market for Pipes Will Grow 5.8% Per Year, Equivalent to 31.5bn Metres

The Global Market for Pipes Will Grow 5.8% Per Year, Equivalent to 31.5bn Metres

Tags: pipe

The global market for pipes will grow 5.8% per year, equivalent to 31.5bn metres, according to research group Freedonia. The greatest demand will come from the Asia Pacific region, which will account for two-thirds of demand over 2010-15 period. The market in this region will grow 6.1%. "Several major Asian countries are forecast to record rapid growth, including India, China and Indonesia, " says Freedonia. "China alone will account for 40% of global plastic pipe demand generated. " Over the same period, demand for plastic pipe will grow 6.1% in North America, 6% in Africa, 5.1% in eastern Europe, 4.9% in South and Central America, and 2.9% in western Europe. Overall, the growth rate is decelerating compared to the 2005-10 period, although both Europe and North America have returned to growth after shrinking 1.9 and 7.8% respectively. In terms of materials, consumption of smaller-volume plastic pipe products such as ABS, GRP and PP pipe will expand at an above-average pace, as end users become more familiar with their technical characteristics and performance features, says Freedonia. Source: European Plastics News

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Global pipe market to grow 5.8% to 2015
Topics: Machinery