Trade Resources Industry Views International Collating Center Reported Equine Disease Outbreaks for Third Quarter 2013

International Collating Center Reported Equine Disease Outbreaks for Third Quarter 2013

The International Collating Center, Newmarket, England, and other sources reported the following equine disease outbreaks for the third quarter* of 2013.

Contagious equine metritis (Taylorella equigenitalis) was reported from Germany in one mare and one stallion on separate premises.

Australia, France, Ireland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States reported outbreaks of strangles. Several outbreaks were diagnosed in New South Wales, Australia. France and Ireland confirmed seven outbreaks each, either in Thoroughbreds or Standardbreds. Sweden and the United States reported that strangles was endemic, with several outbreaks diagnosed. Two outbreaks were recorded in the UK, one involving a non-Thoroughbred and the other a gelding with a concurrent infection of equine herpesvirus (EHV)-1.

Equine influenza was reported by Germany, Sweden, and the UK. A single case in a Thoroughbred was confirmed in Germany. Outbreaks involving Standardbred trotters and a pony were recorded on separate premises in Sweden, one of which was a racetrack. The UK confirmed at least eight outbreaks of equine influenza in as many counties, the vast majority involving unvaccinated horses. The clinical severity of disease varied significantly among affected horses.

Equine arteritis virus was isolated from the semen of a carrier stallion in France.

EHV-1 and -4 related diseases were reported by France, Germany, Ireland, the UK, and the United States. EHV-1 respiratory disease was confirmed in Germany (one outbreak), the UK (two outbreaks involving donkeys), and the United States (several outbreaks involving a number of states). Ireland reported EHV-1 related abortion in one mare and deaths of two neonatal foals, all Thoroughbreds. Equine herpesvirus-1 neurologic disease was confirmed in France (a single case in a vaccinated Thoroughbred) and the UK (two outbreaks involving several cases in both Thoroughbred and non-Thoroughbred mares). EHV-4 was associated with respiratory disease in France (eight outbreaks), Germany (one outbreak), and the UK (isolated cases on three premises, with one concurrent case of strangles). Numerous cases of infection with EHV-2 were reported by the United States, which also confirmed a single case of EHV-5 infection.


Source: TheHorse

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International Equine Disease Report, Third Quarter 2013