Trade Resources Industry Views Environmental Exposure to BPA May Influence The Central Nervous System

Environmental Exposure to BPA May Influence The Central Nervous System

A new study conducted by researchers at Duke University Medical Centre in Durham, North Carolina has revealed that environmental exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) may suppress a gene important to nerve cell function and to the development of the central nervous system.

The toxic, widespread chemical BPA can be found in a variety of manufactured products, including thermal printer paper, plastic water bottles and metal cans linings.

According to the study, if the chemical that mimics estrogen and interferes with the body's endocrine system, seeps into the contents of food and beverage containers, it can be ingested.

Research in animals has raised concerns that exposure to the chemical may cause health problems such as behavioral issues, endocrine and reproductive disorders, obesity, cancer and immune system disorders.

The research team at the Duke University developed a series of experiments in rodent and human nerve cells to learn how BPA stimulates changes that disrupt gene regulation.

Funding for the research was obtained from Duke University, the Klingenstein Fund, the National Institutes of Health and intramural funds from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

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