Trade Resources Industry Views a Thermal Power Plant with a Generation Capacity of 2.8 GW Was Officially Inaugurated

a Thermal Power Plant with a Generation Capacity of 2.8 GW Was Officially Inaugurated

Tehran Times reported that a thermal power plant with a generation capacity of 2.8 GW was officially inaugurated in Pakdasht, a city near Tehran.

The project started in 2003 and cost EUR 270 million plus IRR 5 trillion to complete. The facility which is the largest thermal power plant in the Middle East increases the national electricity generation capacity by 6%.

Mr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad president of Iran attended the inauguration ceremony. At present, Iran’s power generation capacity stands at 67 GW and it is projected to hit 70 GW by the end of the current Iranian calendar year.

Sixteen new power stations with a total capacity of 2.6 GW have come on stream in the current Iranian calendar year. Currently, Iran provides electricity to Turkey, Armenia, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran also plans to connect the national power grid to Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Lebanon and India in the future.

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Middle East largest thermal power plant comes on stream in Iran
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