The manufacturers' organisation EEF is hosting a Global Supply Chain Management workshop at its National Manufacturing Conference. It is one of four best-practice sharing sessions at the conference, dubbed "The Route to Growth".
The event takes place on 5 March 2013 at the QEII Conference Centre in central London, and the other workshops are:
Developing and retaining a skilled workforce
Making your green investments pay
Making the tax system work for your innovation
Manufacturing is a highly interconnected and globalised activity with increasingly complex, dynamic and globally dispersed supply chains.
Supply chain optimisation and resilience has been tested and re-tested in recent years - not just by high-impact events such as recession and natural disasters but also by local disruptions affecting production schedules, output and reputations.
A recent EEF survey of manufacturers revealed improving supply chain performance is high on the agenda with 40% of manufacturers experiencing disruption because of the failure of a strategic supplier.