Trade Resources Industry Views The Breach of The Dike Had No Direct Consequences for The Nearby Plant

The Breach of The Dike Had No Direct Consequences for The Nearby Plant

The breach of the dike in the night of Sunday to Monday, 10 June in the vicinity of Fischbeck in the district of Stendal, Germany, had no direct consequences for the nearby plant of Zellstoff Stendal. The flooding caused by the breach was largely limited to the eastern bank of the River Elbe; the pulp plant is located on the western bank. The company reports that pulp production has been maintained to date. However, there are problems in terms of logistics, after numerous roads in the region were flooded and the Hannover-Berlin railway track cannot be used until further notice on account of the closing of the Elbe bridge in Hmmerten.

The high-water situation also ended comparatively happily for the glulam-timber plant of Nordlam, which is located directly on the bank of the River Elbe. As a result of measures which the company had already introduced following the high water of 2002 and the immediate securing measures undertaken during the last week, the plant has been largely unaffected. The plant resumed operations on 10 June.

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High Water: Stendal and Nordlam Spared The Worst
Topics: Construction