Trade Resources Industry Views Issues of Direct Participation Glass Factories in Training for The Industry

Issues of Direct Participation Glass Factories in Training for The Industry

In Moscow held a round table on the theme: "The shortage as a constraint for the effective development of the glass industry." At the same time addressed issues of direct participation glass factories in training for the industry. Leaders of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions together with business leaders have attempted to examine the situation after the reform of education and to make a joint plan of action.

Round table was opened by the report Viktor Osipov, President StekloSouz Russia, and in his speech he said that despite the difficulties, schools have kept the quality of training for the glass industry. He called together to solve the problem of training in a systematic way, to develop a formula that appeals to young technologists and engineers, happy to work in enterprises of glass industry.

One of the methods to attract young professionals could become quadrilateral contract university or college - Plant - StekloSouz Russia - expert, as a guarantor of stable performance labor agreements. With good analytical report was made by Vice-President StekloSouz Pavlushkin Russian Mikhail, who proposed the creation of a coordinating body, to prepare an action plan agreed with the stakeholders, and in 2014 agreed to start work.

School heads and glass companies supported the initiatives of the USSR. List and their topics, see the appendix. Oversee this direction instructed Pavlushkin Mikhail Nikolayevich, deputy head of the SSR.

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Problems of Training for The Glass Industry.
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