Beverage carton recycling has increased by 2% during 2012 to reach 39% in the EU, Norway and Switzerland compared to 2011, according to a new report from The Alliance for Beverage Cartons and the Environment (ACE).
The report noted that the recycling rate increased by 3% to 40% during 2012 in the EU region.
During the year, the total recovery rate including recycling and energy recovery has reached 70% across the EU, Norway and Switzerland regions.
ACE director general Katarina Molin said that in 1992 only 6,000t of post-consumer beverage cartons were recycled and in 2012 the number has increased to about 380,000t.
"The beverage carton producers have been very much engaged in supporting the setting up of collection systems across Europe to foster the recycling of beverage cartons," Molin added.
"Recycling is definitely our favoured waste management option, and we aim to further increase our performance across Europe in line with the Commission's vision to move towards a recycling economy as laid down in the EU Roadmap for a Resource Efficient Europe."
Beverage cartons are made on average from 75% paper board, 21% polymers and 4% aluminium.