Trade Resources Industry Views Intelligent Transport System Designed and Implemented by CMC

Intelligent Transport System Designed and Implemented by CMC

Intelligent Transport System designed and implemented by CMC Ltd for KSRTC in Mysore, Karnataka, wins the CSI award for Excellence in IT 2012, in the category; Transport, Air, Rail & Road Products, Designs & Solutions category.

The award was presented at the 47th Annual Convention of CSI held on December 1, 2012 at Science City, Kolkata by Mr Ajit Singh union minister for Civil Aviation, Government of India.

The overall objective of this project is to make public transportation in the cities more efficient, comfortable and customer friendly so that citizens are increasingly weaned away from using personal vehicles, thus leading to improved traffic efficiency, reduced traffic congestion and fuel consumption, improved environmental quality & energy efficiency and improved economic productivity.

Through this innovative Intelligent Transportation System Project, KSRTC is addressing the critical issue of customer service through real time dissemination of information of arrival of bus to all its users obtained through satellite based GPS, through large LED displays at bus stops and SMS messages. This initiative will help KSRTC improve its fleet management, routing while saving precious fuel.

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Cmc Solution for Ksrtc in Mysore Wins Csi Award
Topics: Transportation