Trade Resources Industry Views ELC Has Released a Statement Trying to Reassure The Market

ELC Has Released a Statement Trying to Reassure The Market

The European Lamp Companies Federation (ELC) has released a statement trying to reassure the market that low voltage halogen lamps will not be phased out in 2016.

"The European Lamp Companies Federation (ELC) understands that quality halogen reflector lamps will remain on the market so there will be no visible change in the design and compatibility of these lamps. The ELC understands that it is the intention of the European Commission to phase out in a period between 2013 and 2016 only the least performing and least efficient low voltage halogen lamp types.”

Lighting posted the story after speaking to industry sources and seeing an explanatory note to the draft legislation which stated that: ‘poor conventional low voltage halogens’ would be phased out in 2013 and that ‘quality conventional low voltage halogens’ would be phased out in two stages between 2013 and 2014. Our article explained that ‘better performing versions’ of low voltage halogens, including those with infra-red coatings, would be included under the latter definition. The statement from the ELC now contends that this will not be the case, although figures close to the consultation process remain sceptical:

Kevan Shaw of KSLD, who has taken an active part in discussions about the phase out said: “Notwithstanding the ELC statement, the wording in the draft legislation is clear in the intent to remove all non IRC coated low voltage reflector lamps from the market in September 2013, along with many mains voltage incandescent reflector lamps. The new metric created in the legislation requires measurements of reflector lamps that are not available in catalogues and datasheets. It is impossible at this point to know what lamps may meet the requirements to remain in the market beyond September 2013. We urgently need the industry to provide the relevant data to answer this question.”

The statement from the ELC went on to explain that it is: “awaiting an official draft proposal of the legislation and recognizes that this is an on-going process. The ELC and its members remain committed to providing suitable choice and to maintaining high consumer satisfaction.”

It finished by saying: “As an industry we are confident that in the future there will remain an adequate choice of high quality, low voltage lamps to satisfy different consumer budgets and needs.”

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ELC tries to allay fears over MR16 phase
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