Trade Resources Industry Views LifeShield Security Authorized Dealers Throughout The Country

LifeShield Security Authorized Dealers Throughout The Country

Personalized approach to selling home security is effective in connecting with customers and prospects.

LifeShield Security authorized dealers throughout the country can now connect with consumers on a regional level through locally relevant websites that help to identify customers and prospects. Sites also offer special wireless home security deals to each region that are constantly changing.

"Local dealers understand the security challenges particular to their own regions and therefore can be more successful at recruiting new customers," said Shannon Dominello, CMO, LifeShield. "Regional sites provide a legitimate local web presence for each dealer that is important to the consumer purchasing decision for home security services."

By supplying the web tools necessary, LifeShield helps authorized dealers begin the conversation with new prospects in their territories, and consumers to find the best home security deals in their home state. Recently, new sites were added to support local dealers in Houston, TX (, Atlanta, GA (, and Phoenix, AZ (

"LifeShield is taking a very personalized approach to selling home security on a local level. Our systems have been configured to fit different lifestyles, from city to suburban to rural living. We help our local dealers identify their market challenges, and deliver tailored solutions that fit," added Dominello. 

About LifeShield Security

LifeShield Security is the first national, professional grade and professionally monitored wireless security system that uses an easy to set-up "plug and protect" process, providing superior home protection and the best value in total home security.  


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LifeShield Builds Web Presence for Regional Authorized Dealers