According to the data provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK), in 2012 Turkey's wire rod exports amounted to 893,417 metric tons, decreasing by 20.7 percent compared to 2011, while the total revenue from these exports amounted to $573.25 million, decreasing by 26.1 percent year on year. According to the data released by TUIK, in 2012 the average price of Turkey's wire rod exports stood at $642/mt, falling compared to the average of $689/mt recorded in 2011.
In December 2012, Turkey's total wire rod exports amounted to 58,672 metric tons, up 6.8 percent month on month and down 49.1 percent compared to December 2011. Turkey's wire rod exports started the second half of the year with a strong month-on-month decline in July, and the second half export volume did not reach the first half levels even if a month-on-month uptrend was observed in August, September and October.
Turkey's wire exports to the Middle East reached historically high levels in the second and third quarters and ended the year with a strong quarter-on-quarter fall and a 9.6 percent year-on-year decrease in the fourth quarter with a volume of 32,811 mt. On the other hand, the US, Libya and Brazil were the three largest export destinations for Turkish wire rods in 2012, while exports to North America moved on a downtrend on quarter-on-quarter basis during 2012. On the other hand, Turkey's wire rod exports to South America exceeded 40,000 mt in both the first and second quarters of 2012, but fell significantly in the last two quarters of the year amounting to less than 10,000 mt in each of the quarters.