Trade Resources Industry Views The LAA Opened Nominations for The 2013 Leadership in Logistics Awards

The LAA Opened Nominations for The 2013 Leadership in Logistics Awards

The LAA has opened nominations for the 2013 Leadership in Logistics Awards. There are seven LAA Leadership in Logistics Awards, of which six are named in honour of LAA life members Keith Campbell OAM, Malcolm Priestley, Larry Smith, Robert Lamb, Malcolm Walker and Kim Rothwell, and one additional LAA President’s award for outstanding services to the LAA.

These awards, presented annually, seek to encourage, support and recognise excellence in the logistics and supply chain management profession in Australia. The Leadership in Logistics Awards will be awarded to a company or individual for outstanding leadership contribution to logistics and supply chain continuing professional development – education, training and networking excellence in innovation, participation, continuous improvement and change management to the industry.

Nominations may be made by any individual, whether LAA member or non-member, including self-nominations, for all award categories – excluding The LAA President’s Leadership Contribution Award, which is nominated by the LAA Board of directors only.

Nominations are to be supported by biographies of no more than 750 words and will be assessed by the awards committee as appointed by the Logistics Association of Australia. The decision on the awards will be final. Where applicable, nominees will be researched and visited by a member of the awards committee to assess the application.

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Leadership in Logistics Awards Nominations Now Open
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