Trade Resources Industry Views The Training Provided by FDDI Will Immensely Benefit The IAF

The Training Provided by FDDI Will Immensely Benefit The IAF

India: FDDI Conducts Training on Clothing & Inspection for IAF

A training programme especially designed for the Indian Air Force on clothing,textile&inspection was conducted by Footwear Design&Development Institute(FDDI)at its International Testing Center(ITC)in Noida on 14 September 2012.

"The training provided by FDDI will immensely benefit the Indian Air Force(IAF)in selecting the appropriate clothing,textile material(s)as per its usage and also will help them in inspecting and adhering to the quality control norms."-said Mr.Raajeev j Lakhara,Managing Director,FDDI.

A total of seventeen senior officials of the Indian Air Force underwent for this specialized training programme,which was training programme was divided into theoretical as well as practical oriented.

According to Mr.Raajeev j Lakhara,Managing Director,FDDI,"The training provided by FDDI will immensely benefit the Indian Air Force in selecting the appropriate clothing,textile material as per its usage and also will help them in inspecting and adhering to the quality control norms."

During the training programme special modules of the Physical Laboratory as well as of the Chemical Laboratory was conducted.

"The training programme covered topics on the basic terminologies of textile,common defects in fabric,new developments in technical fabrics,sampling techniques for garments and fabric,relevant Indian Standards and testing of various parameters and their relevance,"added Mr.Lakhara.

Those who attended the training programme includedMr.D.K.Lahiry VSM,GP Capt.,Mr.A Sarmandal,GP Capt.,Mr.P.K.Sahoo,GP Capt.,Mr.Rajneesh Kumar,Wg.Cdr.,Mr.J.Mandody,Wg.Cdr.,Mr.C.Singh,MWO.,Mr.Y Prasad,WO,Mr.Ram Babu,JWO.,Mr.A.K.Shukla,JWO.,Mr.Rajesh Kumar,JWO.,Mr.P.K.Samal,Sgt.,Mr.H Prakash,Sgt.,Mr.Sajjan Kumar,Sgt.,Mr.Kamal Kant,Sgt.,Mr.R.R.Shukla,Sgt.,Mr.Gaurav,Cpl.andMr.S.K.Nirala,Cpl.

"As per the convenience of the trainees,the training programme was divided into theoretical sessions and practical sessions and they were also provided with the training materials and handouts,"further added Mr.Lakhara.

The highly trained faculty of FDDI delivered their expertise as lectures,power point presentation,slides,and samples.The information related to the process of manufacturing footwear from designing to finishing,packing&quality control,construction systems were also delivered.

The participants appreciated the inputs received during the course and emphasized that the training should be conducted periodically to update the officers of latest technology.

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India: FDDI Conducts Training on Clothing & Inspection for IAF