Trade Resources Industry Views EEL HR Coordinated a Factory Tour for Hong Kong's Holy Family Canossian College in GET

EEL HR Coordinated a Factory Tour for Hong Kong's Holy Family Canossian College in GET

As part of the Business-School Partnership Program organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, EEL HR coordinated a factory tour for 17 students from Hong Kong’s Holy Family Canossian College in GET.

College Grads Introduced to Esquel's Supply Chain Process

The purpose of the visit is to provide the young generation with a better understanding of the work environment in the textile and apparel industry.

Guided by our Management Trainees, the students were introduced to Esquel’s intricate supply chain processes and services. “The entire manufacturing process for a piece of clothing is mind-blowingly complex! I don’t think I will throw my unwanted clothing away anymore, but will donate them instead,” said one of the students.

They were most impressed by what Esquel has done to improve the work environment and the well-being of workers. Towards the end of the tour, our management trainees shared their thoughts on career development and job rotation experience in Esquel.

2013 marks the seventh year Esquel participated in the Chamber’s popular Business-School partnership.

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College Grads Introduced to Esquel's Supply Chain Process