Trade Resources Industry Views The Roundwood-Export Ban Initially Planned by Gabon for Implementation on 1 January 2010

The Roundwood-Export Ban Initially Planned by Gabon for Implementation on 1 January 2010

The roundwood-export ban initially planned by Gabon for implementation on 1 January 2010 and finally introduced from the middle of May 2010 resulted in significant changes in Gabonese timber trading. As emerges from the export statistics issued by ATIBT, timber exports have shifted considerably in favour of European buyers in connection with the rise in wood processing within the country. Up to and including 2009, Asia had been by far the most important sales region for timber from Gabon. At 578, 206 m³, roughly 52% of the total timber export volume of 1.122m m³ were still delivered to Asia in 2010. However, that high figure was almost exclusively a consequence of roundwood exports which were processed by 15 May. Source:

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