Website Scripts Company a professional web application Development Company with its famous hosted FAQ software-Knowledge Base Manager Pro
KIEV,UKRAINE,August 08,2012/24-7PressRelease/--Knowledge Base Manager Pro as the Best FAQ Software
FAQ is a very important thing that every website should have.Website Scripts company developed a professional application called Knowledge Base Manager Pro,especially for this needs.
Advantages of FAQ Management System
Information exchange becomes decisive factor when it comes to business improving.Furthermore clients and employees want to have access to useful information whatever happens.FAQ gives this ability.In addition FAQ software provides clients and new employees to all answers and questions which was asked or answered before,it makes new employee learning cost cheaper.
1.Publishing speed.All articles is publishing immediately and visible to clients.
2.Easy-to-use.Simple data preparation and user-friendly design.
3.Intelligence.New question could be asked by visitors providing maximum issues coverage.
4.Ratings.Positive and negative ratings for feedbacks make possible improving of answers.
5.Social pieces.Comments from visitors and staff answers make project closer to people.
Major benefits of FAQ system
1.Easy Integration.Set access to Company website then create any question or answer using Knowledge Base Manager Pro and it will be automatically published on your company website.
2.User-Generated Questions.Any visitor could submit a question to a system and after that any registered users could add answer to the question in one click-new article is published.That's how user-generated questions work.
3.Feedback Tools.It's necessary feature that every professional Frequently Asked Questions Software must have.Comments,positive and negative rating,view counter it's all exists in Knowledge Base Manager Pro
Company Information
Web-Site-Scripts Company,the leader in knowledge base management software and has more than 30'000 clients over the world.From them Johnson&Johnson,Xerox,Cisco Systems,Phillips,Samsung,Siemens,Sony.Customers mentioned that development cycle decreases by 20%in average and average employee efficient increase on 25%.
Web-Site-Scripts Company,the leader in knowledge management software,makes it possible for any business to accumulate and use knowledge,thus reduce expenses on customer support and increase by up to 50%decision-making quality,staff agility,and company reaction speed to changes of market needs.New products development cycle decreases by 20%in average.Creation of Enterprise Wiki is one of the application domains for KnowledgeBase Manager Pro that makes knowledge management simple and affordable.Company focus on modern technologies that increase software performance and provide users with rich user interface allowed Web-Site-Scripts take a dominant position on market and have more than 30'000 clients over the world.