Mulpha Australia will use IDE Technologies' IDE PROGREEN modular reverse osmosis (RO) desalination solution to provide desalinated water for its Hayman island resort on the Great Barrier Reef. The IDE PROGREEN 'desalination plant-in-a-box' system is compact and flexible, which makes it easy to transport and install. The IDE PROGREEN features a patented RO Membrane Direct Osmosis Cleaning (DOC) system for reduced energy consumption and stable performance. By eliminating the use of chemicals in the pretreatment and desalination processes, the IDE PROGREEN system also minimises its impact on the environment. Greg Timar, Mulpha Australia's director of group asset development and projects, said: "As a result of its 'plug and play' abilities, the plant should be up and running in a relatively short time. An important aspect in the decision to award IDE the new plant was the ongoing operation and maintenance support to be provided to Hayman from the IDE Australian office." IDE Technologies will operate and maintain the Hayman desalination plant for ten years.