Trade Resources Industry Views Project and The Licensees Based Their Concept Assessment on Power Supply From Land

Project and The Licensees Based Their Concept Assessment on Power Supply From Land

 "We are not considering any other solutions for the Johan Sverdrup field than land-based power supply," says Øyvind Reinertsen, senior vice president for the Johan Sverdrup field.

"The project and the licensees based their concept assessment on power supply from land at an early stage, and we have not considered any other options."

The statement is given due to uncertainty raised in some media today as to whether the Johan Sverdrup field will receive electricity from land.

The project is soon to choose the concept and development solution, covering installations, well solutions, export solutions and a solution for power supply from land based on technical and financial assessments.

"As operator, Statoil will present its recommendations to the licence owners based on studies. Then the licence owners will choose a solution based on regulatory requirements. We will present the chosen solution when the licence owners have made their decision," says Reinertsen.

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Johan Sverdrup Powered From Land
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