Trade Resources Market View Japan Imported Steel Products in February,Falling by 18.1% From a Month Ago

Japan Imported Steel Products in February,Falling by 18.1% From a Month Ago

According to data released by the Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF), Japan imported 517,000 tons of steel products in February, falling by 18.1% from a month ago and decreasing by 14.3% year on year. Among them, 296,000 tons were steel products for general use, decreasing by 12.6% month on month and falling by 13.1% year om year. Meanwhile, the imports of steel products for general use from Korea totaled 201,000 tons, decreasing by 17.6%; those from China were at 24,000 tons, rising by 6.6% and those from Taiwan were at 68,000 tons, up by 1.8%, all compared to those in a month ago.

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Japan's Imports of Steel Products Fall in February
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