Trade Resources Market View Pine Sawmills Have Been Registering Slightly Better Sales Opportunities in Export

Pine Sawmills Have Been Registering Slightly Better Sales Opportunities in Export

Pine sawmills in northern/eastern Germany have been registering slightly better sales opportunities in export within and outside Europe again in the last few weeks. In contrast to competitors on the home market from the spruce regions, these businesses say they are benefiting from cost advantages in transport and log procurement. Besides deliveries to buyers in the Netherlands, Denmark, and Poland, significant contracts have evidently also been able to be concluded with buyers in the Asian region and the USA. The rise in prices for SPF assortments to the USA to around $340-350/1000 bdft ex mill coupled with favourable freight terms are evidently making exports to the USA more appealing again for suppliers in northern and eastern Germany as well.

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German Pine Sawmills Now Registering Better Sales Opportunities Abroad
Topics: Construction