Trade Resources Market View 90% Brits Will Be Rationing Their Energy Use This Winter to Swerve The Price Hikes

90% Brits Will Be Rationing Their Energy Use This Winter to Swerve The Price Hikes

Almost nine out of every ten Brits will be rationing their energy use this winter in an attempt to swerve the much-publicised price hikes introduced by a number of the Big Six energy suppliers.

According to new research undertaken by price comparison service,87 per cent of Brits will be keeping a keen eye on their heating and lighting bills as the nights get longer and the mercury starts to dip.

And further research showed 84 per cent of respondents were actively concerned about the cost of energy eating into their outgoings this winter,with the issue earmarked as the number one concern in 90 per cent of households.

As a result of all the price hikes,last year three quarters of households went without heating at some point to help manage costs.A further 41 per cent are getting into debt to pay for the household costs.

"This winter the high cost of energy will see households forced to play Russian roulette with their health and well-being by going without adequate heating,"said director for consumer policy Ann Robinson.

"As suppliers move to push prices up,consumers will be reacting by turning their heating down-the unpalatable choice between heating and eating will become a reality of life for many more this winter."

But the expert warned it wasn't just heating bills that were eating into those household budgets-lighting can be a big outgoing,too,especially as the evenings turn darker and the lamps and ceiling light fittings go on earlier.

"Rather than resorting to drastic and potentially dangerous measures,I would urge consumers to make their money go further by making their homes energy efficient and making sure that they are paying the lowest price for the energy they do use.There are many low-cost or free insulation offers available that households can take advantage of.These are easy savings to make and could help households to keep their fuel bills manageable this winter."

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Energy Bills Are A "Major Concern" for Householders This Winter
Topics: Lighting , Metallurgy