Trade Resources Market View Japan Exported HR Steel Flat Products in January,up by 3% From a Month Ago

Japan Exported HR Steel Flat Products in January,up by 3% From a Month Ago

Japan exported 1.35 million tons of hot rolled (HR) steel flat products in January, up by 3% from a month ago and jumping by 41.7% year on year, according to the data released by Japan's Ministry of Finance. In January, Korea was the largest importer of the Japanese HR steel flats with 297,091 tons, up by 4.55%; Thailand was the second largest one with 148,172 tons, increasing by 16.4% and Vietnam was the third largest one with 143,676 tons, soaring by two folds, all compared to those in the same period of a year ago. In 2012, Turkey's exports of HR steel flats amounted to 13.9 million tons, increasing by 11.7% year on year.

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Japan's Exports of HR Steel Flats Surge by 41.7% Y-O-Y in January
Topics: Metallurgy